version 2.6.2
Clark, J.S., D. Nemergut, B. Seyednasrollah, P. Turner, and S. Zhang. 2017. Generalized joint attribute modeling for biodiversity analysis: Median-zero, multivariate, multifarious data, Ecological Monographs, 87, 34–56.
models multivariate responses that can be
combinations of discrete and continuous variables, where interpretation
is needed on the observation scale. It was motivated by the challenges
of modeling distribution and abundance of multiple species, so-called
joint species distribution models (JSDMs). Because species and other
attributes are often recorded on many different scales and with
different levels of sampling effort, many analyses are limited to
presence-absence, the lowest common denominator. Combining species and
other attributes is challenging because some species groups are counted.
Some may be continuous cover values or basal area. Some may be recorded
in ordinal bins, such as ‘rare’, ‘moderate’, and ‘abundant’. Others may
be presence-absence. Some are composition data, either fractional
(continuous on (0, 1)) or counts (e.g., molecular and fossil pollen
data). Attributes such as body condition, infection status, and
herbivore damage are often included in field data. gjam
accommodate multifarious observations.
To allow transparent interpretation gjam
non-linear link functions. This is a departure from generalized linear
models (GLMs) and most hierarchical Bayes models.
The integration of discrete and continuous data on the observed scales makes use of censoring. Censoring extends a model for continuous variables across censored intervals. Continuous observations are uncensored. Censored observations are discrete and can depend on sample effort.
Censoring is used with the effort for an observation to
combine continuous and discrete variables with appropriate weight. In
count data, effort is determined by the size of the sample plot, search
time, or both. It is comparable to the offset in GLMs. In count
composition data (e.g., microbiome, fossil pollen), effort is the total
count taken over all species. In gjam
, discrete
observations can be viewed as censored versions of an underlying
continuous space.
generates an object of class
, allowing it to appropriate the summary
and print
functions in R. To avoid conflicts with other
packages, gjam function
names begin with
. gjam
uses the
linear algebra library with the
interface library for R/C++.
The basic model is detailed in Clark et al. (2017) and summarized at the end of this vignette (see reference notes). An observation consists of two vectors (xi, yi)i = 1n, where xi is a length-Q design vector (intercept and predictors) and yi is a length-S vector of response variables, each potentially measured in different ways. yi may include both continuous and discrete variables. There is a latent vector wi that represents response variables all on a continuous scale. The vector wi has the joint distribution wi ∼ MVN(μi, Σ), where μi is the length-S mean vector, and Σ, is an S × S covariance matrix.
As a data-generating mechanism the model can be thought of like this: There is a vector of continuous responses wi generated from mean vector μi and covariance Σ (Fig. 1a). A partition pis = (−∞, …, ∞) segments the real line into intervals, some of which are censored and others not. Each interval is defined by two values, (pis, k, pis, k + 1]. For a value of wis that falls within a censored interval k the observed yis is assigned to discrete interval zis = k. For a value of wis that falls in an uncensored interval yis is assigned wis.
Of course, data present us with the inverse problem: the observed yis are continuous or discrete, with known or unknown partition (pis, k, pis, k + 1] (Fig. 1b). Depending on how the data are observed, we must impute the elements of n × S matrix W that lie within censored intervals. Unknown elements of 𝒫 will also be imputed in order to estimate B and Σ.
Censoring in gjam. As a data-generating model (a), a realization wis that lies within a censored interval is translated by the partition pis to discrete yis. The distribution of data (bars at left) is induced by the latent scale and the partition. For inference (b), observed discrete yis takes values on the latent scale from a truncated distribution.
The different types of data that can be included in the model are
summarized in Table 1, assigned to the character
that is included in the modelList
passed to gjam
Table 1. Partition for each data type
typeNames |
Type | Obs values | Default partition | Comments |
'CON' |
continuous, uncensored | (−∞, ∞) | none | e.g., centered, standardized |
'CA' |
continuous abundance | [0, ∞) | (−∞, 0, ∞) | with zeros |
'DA' |
discrete abundance | {0, 1, 2, …} | $(-\infty, \frac{1}{2E_{i}}, \frac{3}{2E_{i}}, \dots , \frac{max_s(y_{is}) - 1/2}{E_i}, \infty)^1$ | e.g., count data |
'PA' |
presence- absence | {0, 1} | (−∞, 0, ∞) | unit variance scale |
'OC' |
ordinal counts | {0, 1, 2, …, K} | (−∞, 0, estimates, ∞) | unit variance scale, imputed partition |
'FC' |
fractional composition | [0, 1] | (−∞, 0, 1, ∞) | relative abundance |
'CC' |
count composition | {0, 1, 2, …} | $(-\infty, \frac{1}{2E_{i}}, \frac{3}{2E_{i}}, \dots , 1 - \frac{1}{2E_i}, \infty)^1$ | relative abundance counts |
'CAT' |
categorical | {0, 1} | (−∞, maxk(0, wis, k), ∞)2 | unit variance, multiple levels |
1 For 'DA'
and 'CC'
data the second element of the partition is not
zero, but rather depends on effort. There is thus zero-inflation. The
default partition for each data type can be changed with the function
(see specifying censored
2 For 'CAT'
data species s has Ks − 1
non-reference categories. The category with the largest wis, k
is the ‘1’, all others are zeros.
The partition for a discrete interval k depends on effort for sample i
$$(p_{i,k}, p_{i,k+1}] = \left(\frac{k - 1/2}{E_{i}}, \frac{k + 1/2}{E_{i}}\right]$$
Effort affects the partition and, thus, the weight of each
observation; wide intervals allow large variance, and vice versa. For
discrete abundance ('DA'
) data on plots of
a given area, large plots contribute more weight than small plots.
Because plots have different areas one might choose to model wis on
a ‘per-area’ scale (density) rather than a ‘per-plot’ scale. If so, plot
area becomes the ‘effort’. Here is a table of variables for the case
where counts represent the same density of trees per area, but have
different effort due to different plot areas:
count yis = zis | plot area Ei | density wis | bin k | density pik |
10 | 0.1 ha | 100 ha−1 | 11 | (95, 105] |
100 | 1.0 ha | 100 ha−1 | 101 | (99.5, 100.5] |
The wide partition on the 0.1-ha plot admits large variance around the observation of 10 trees per 0.1 ha plot. Wide variance on an observation decreases its contribution to the fit. Conversely, the narrow partition on the 1.0-ha plot constrains density to a narrow interval around the observed value.
For composition count ('CC'
) data
effort is represented by the total count. For 0 < yis < Ei
the variable 0 < wis < 1,
i.e., the composition scale. Using the same partition as previously the
table for two observations that represent the fraction 0.10 with
different effort (e.g., total reads in PCR data) looks like this:
count yis = zis | total count Ei | fraction wis | bin k | fraction pik |
10 | 100 | 0.1 | 11 | (0.095, 0.105] |
10,000 | 100,000 | 0.1 | 10,001 | (0.099995, 0.100005] |
Again, on the composition scale [0, 1], weight of the observation is determined by the partition width and, in turn, effort.
It’s easiest to start with the examples from gjam
pages. This section provides additional examples and explanation.
Simulated data are used to check that the algorithm can recover true
parameter values and predict data, including underlying latent
variables. To illustrate I simulate a sample of size n = 500 for S = 10 species and Q = 4 predictors. To indicate that
all species are continuous abundance data I specify
as 'CA'
. CA
data are
continuous above zero, with point mass at zero.
The object f
includes elements needed to analyze the
simulated data set. f$typeNames
is a length-S character vector
. The
follows standard R syntax. It does not start with
y ~
, because gjam is multivariate. The multivariate
response is supplied as a n × S matrix
or data.frame ydata
. Here is the formula
this example:
The simulated parameter values are returned from
in the list f$trueValues
, shown in
Table 2, with the corresponding names of estimates from
function gjam
, which I discuss below:
Table 2. Variable names and dimensions in simulation and fitting
model | $trueValues 1 |
$parameters 2 |
$chains 2 |
dimensions |
BQ × S3 | beta |
betaMu |
bgibbs |
W |
Bu, Q × S3 | - | betaMuUn |
bgibbsUn |
W/X |
$\tilde{\mathbf{B}}^3_{Q_1 \times S}$ | - | betaStandXmu |
bFacGibbs |
dimensionless |
ΣS × S | sigma |
sigMu |
sgibbs |
WsWs′ |
RS × S | corSpec |
corMu |
correlation | |
fQ14 | - | fMu |
fSensGibbs |
dimensionless |
FQ1 × Q14 | - | fmatrix |
dimensionless | |
ES × S | - | ematrix |
- | dimensionless |
𝒫5 | cuts |
cutMu |
cgibbs |
correlation |
K6 | - | - | kgibbs |
dimensionless |
σ2 6 | - | - | sigErrGibbs |
W2 |
αQ × M7 | - | betaTraitMu |
agibbs |
W/X |
ΩM × M7 | - | sigmaTraitMu |
mgibbs |
WmUm′ 8 |
1 simulated object from
2 fitted object from
3 coefficients are Bu: unstandardized; B: standardized for X; $\tilde{\mathbf{B}}$: standardized for X, correlation scale for W and factor levels relative to the mean for each factor (see section factors in X**).
4 sensitivities based on unstandardized B and covariance scales Σ.
5 Only when
includes ordinal types "OC"
6 Only with dimension
reduction, reductList
is included in
7 Only for trait
analysis, traitList
is included in modelList
(Trait vignette).
The dimension for response Y is W × E, where W is the latent variable scale, and E is sample effort. When effort E = 1, then Y and W have the same dimension.
The matrix F contains the covariance between predictors in X in terms of the responses they elicit from Y. The diagonal vector f = diag(F) is the sensitivity of the entire response matrix to each predictor in X.
The matrix E is the correlation among species in terms of their responses to X. Relationships to outputs are discussed in the Reference notes.
Simulated data are typical of real data in that there is a large fraction of zeros.
par(bty = 'n', mfrow = c(1,2), family='')
h <- hist(c(-1,f$y), nclass = 50, plot = F)
plot( h$counts, h$mids,type = 's' )
plot( f$w,f$y,cex = .2 )
Here is a short Gibbs sampler to estimate parameters and fit the
data. The function gjam
needs the formula
the model, the data.frame xdata
, which includes the
predictors, the response matrix
data.frame ydata
, and a modelList
number of Gibbs steps ng
, the burnin
, and
ml <- list( ng = 1000, burnin = 100, typeNames = f$typeNames )
out <- gjam( f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml )
The print
function acts like summary
Among the objects to consider initially are the design matrix
, response matrix
, and the MCMC out$chains
these names and sizes:
is a list of matrices, each with ng
rows and as many columns as needed to hold parameter estimates. For
example, each row of $chains$bgibbs
is a length-QS vector of values for the
Q × S matrix B, standardized for X. In other words, a
coefficient Bqs
has the units of ws.
holds either the S(S + 1)/2 unique values of
Σ or the N × r unique values of the
dimension reduced covariance matrix. A summary of the
is given in Table 2.
Additional summaries are available in the list
The matrix classBySpec
shows the number of observations
in each interval. For this example of continuous data censored at zero,
the two labels are k ∈ {0, 1}
corresponding to the intervals (ps, 0, ps, 1] = (−∞, 0]
and (ps, 1, ps, 2) = (0, ∞).
The length-(K + 1) partition
vector is the same for all species, p = (−∞, 0, ∞). Here is
for this example:
The first interval is censored (all values of yis = 0). The second interval is not censored (yis = wis).
The fitted coefficients in $parameters
, as summarized in
Table 2. For example, here is posterior mean estimate of unstandardized
coefficients Bu,
Here are posterior summaries,
out$parameters$betaMu # S by M coefficient matrix unstandardized
out$parameters$betaSe # S by M coefficient SE
out$parameters$betaStandXmu # S by M standardized for X
out$parameters$betaStandXWmu # (S-F) by M standardized for W/X, centered factors
out$parameters$betaTable # SM by stats posterior summary
out$parameters$betaStandXTable # SM by stats posterior summary
out$parameters$betaStandXWTable # (S-F)M by stats posterior summary
out$parameters$sensBeta # sensitivity to response variables
out$parameters$sensTable # sensitivity to predictor variables
out$parameters$sigMu # S by S covariance matrix omega
out$parameters$sigSe # S by S covariance std errors
Again, check Table 2 for names of all fitted coefficients.
The data are also predicted in gjam
, summarized by
predictive means and standard errors. These are contained in n × Q matrices
and $prediction$xpredSd
and n × S matrices
and $prediction$ypredSd
These are in-sample predictions.
The output can be viewed with the function gjamPlot
f <- gjamSimData( n = 500, S = 10, typeNames = 'CA' )
ml <- list( ng = 1000, burnin = 200, typeNames = f$typeNames )
out <- gjam( f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml )
pl <- list( trueValues = f$trueValues, GRIDPLOTS = T )
gjamPlot( output = out, plotPars = pl )
creates a number of plots comparing true and
estimated parameters (for simulated data).
par( bty = 'n', mfrow = c(1,3) )
plot( f$trueValues$beta, out$parameters$betaMu, cex = .2 )
plot( f$trueValues$corSpec, out$parameters$corMu, cex = .2 )
plot( f$y,out$prediction$ypredMu, cex = .2 )
To process the output beyond what is provided in
I can work directly with the
uses the standard R
syntax in the
that I would use with functions like
and glm
. Because gjam
inverse prediction to summarize large multivariate output, it is
important to abide by this syntax. For example, to analyze a model with
quadratic and interaction terms, I might simply construct my own design
matrix with these columns included, i.e., side-stepping the standard
syntax for these effects that can be specified in formula
This would be fine for model fitting. However, without specifying this
in the formula
there is no way for gjam
know that these columns are in fact non-linear transformations of other
columns. Without this knowledge there is no way to properly predict
them. The prediction that gjam
would return would include
silly variable combinations.
To illustrate proper model specification I use a few lines from the
of predictors in the forestTraits
data set:
d <- ""
xdata <- forestTraits$xdata[,c(1,2,7,8)]
Here are a few rows:
Here is a simple model specification with as.formula()
that includes only main effects:
The design matrix x
that is generated in
has an intercept, two covariates, and four columns for
the multilevel factor soil
## (Intercept) temp deficit soilreference
## 1 1 1.22 0.04 1
## 2 1 0.18 0.21 1
## 3 1 -0.94 0.20 0
## 4 1 0.64 0.82 1
## 5 1 0.82 -0.18 1
To include interactions between temp
I use the symbol ‘*
Here is the design matrix that results from this formula
with interaction terms indicated by the symbol ':'
## (Intercept) temp soilreference temp:soilreference
## 1 1 1.22 1 1.22
## 2 1 0.18 1 0.18
## 3 1 -0.94 0 0.00
## 4 1 0.64 1 0.64
## 5 1 0.82 1 0.82
For a quadratic term I use the R
Here is the design matrix with linear and quadratic terms:
## (Intercept) temp I(temp^2) deficit
## 1 1 1.22 1.4884 0.04
## 2 1 0.18 0.0324 0.21
## 3 1 -0.94 0.8836 0.20
## 4 1 0.64 0.4096 0.82
## 5 1 0.82 0.6724 -0.18
Here is a quadratic response surface for temp
Here is the design matrix with all combinations:
## (Intercept) temp deficit I(temp^2) I(deficit^2) temp:deficit
## 1 1 1.22 0.04 1.4884 0.0016 0.0488
## 2 1 0.18 0.21 0.0324 0.0441 0.0378
## 3 1 -0.94 0.20 0.8836 0.0400 -0.1880
## 4 1 0.64 0.82 0.4096 0.6724 0.5248
## 5 1 0.82 -0.18 0.6724 0.0324 -0.1476
These are examples of the formula
options available in
. Using them will allow for proper inverse prediction
of x
. To optimize MCMC, gjam does not predict
for higher order polynomials–they are rarely used, being
both hard to interpret and a cause of unstable predictions. To
accelerate MCMC I can set PREDICTX = F
in the
I can use this model to analyze a tree data set. For my data set I
use the tree data contained in forestTraits
. It is stored
in de-zeroed (sparse matrix) format, so I extract it with the function
. Here are dimensions and the upper left corner
of the response matrix Y,
y <- gjamReZero(forestTraits$treesDeZero) # extract y
treeYdata <- gjamTrimY(y,10)$y # at least 10 plots
In code that follows I treat responses as discrete counts,
typeNames = 'DA'
. Because of the large number of columns
(98) I speed things up by calling for dimension reduction, passed as
N × r = 20 × 8:
ml <- list( ng = 2500, burnin = 500, typeNames = 'DA',
reductList = list(r = 8, N = 20) )
form <- as.formula( ~ temp*deficit + I(temp^2) + I(deficit^2) )
out <- gjam(form, xdata = xdata, ydata = treeYdata, modelList = ml)
specNames <- colnames(treeYdata)
specColor <- rep('black',ncol(treeYdata))
specColor[ c(grep('quer',specNames),grep('cary',specNames)) ] <- '#d95f02'
specColor[ c(grep('acer',specNames),grep('frax',specNames)) ] <- '#1b9e77'
specColor[ c(grep('abie',specNames),grep('pice',specNames)) ] <- '#377eb8'
gjamPlot( output = out, plotPars = list(GRIDPLOTS=T, specColor = specColor) )
Additional information on variable types and their treatment in
is included later in this document and in the other
gjam vignettes
The sensitivity of an individual response variable s to an individual predictor q is given by the coefficient βqs. This granularity is useful, but it is often desirable to have a sensitivity that applies to the full response matrix. That sensitivity is given by
f = diag(BΣ−1B′)
(Brynjarsdottir and Gelfand. 2014, Clark et al. 2017). These
coefficients are evaluated on the scale that is standardized scale for
X and correlation
scale Y–they are
dimensionless. In the notation of the Appendix this is Br. A
plot of these values is displayed when I call gjamPlot
I can also evaluate sensitivity for a species group g as
fg = diag(BgΣg−1B′g) where Bg includes columns for the species in group g, and Σg is the covariance matrix for group g conditional on remaining species in the model.
In the help page for the function gjamSensitivity
this example comparing sensitivity for a simulated data set with
multiple data types against a group that includes only the composition
count ('CC'
) data. Note that the latter is supplied
identified by group
, which is a
character string
of column names in ydata
cols <- c( '#1f78b4', '#33a02c' )
types <- c('DA','DA','OC','OC','OC','OC','CC','CC','CC','CC','CC','CA','CA','PA','PA')
f <- gjamSimData(S = length(types), typeNames = types)
ml <- list(ng = 500, burnin = 50, typeNames = f$typeNames)
out <- gjam(f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml)
ynames <- colnames(f$y)
group <- ynames[types == 'CC']
full <- gjamSensitivity(out)
cc <- gjamSensitivity(out, group)
ylim <- range( c(full, cc) )
nt <- ncol(full)
boxplot( full, boxwex = 0.2, at = 1:nt - .15, col = cols[1], log='y',
ylim = ylim, xaxt = 'n', xlab = 'Predictors', ylab='Sensitivity')
boxplot( cc, boxwex = 0.2, at = 1:nt + .15, col = cols[2], add=T,
xaxt = 'n')
axis( 1, at=1:nt,labels=colnames(full) )
legend( 'bottomright',c('full response','CC data'),
text.col = cols, bty='n' )
Again, the scale is dimensionless. Here is a comparison between two groups:
group <- ynames[types == 'CA']
ca <- gjamSensitivity(out, group)
ylim <- range( rbind(cc,ca) )
nt <- ncol(full)
boxplot( ca, boxwex = 0.2, at = 1:nt - .15, col = cols[1], log='y',
xaxt = 'n', ylim = ylim, xlab = 'Predictors', ylab='Sensitivity')
boxplot( cc, boxwex = 0.2, at = 1:nt + .15, col = cols[2], add=T,
xaxt = 'n')
legend('bottomright',c('CA data','CC data'),
text.col = cols, bty = 'n' )
In the foregoing example arguments passed to gjamPlot
the list plotPars
included SMALLPLOTS = F
not compress margins and axes), GRIDPLOTS = T
(draw grid
diagrams as heat maps for parameter values and predictions). In this
section I summarize plots generated by gjamPlot
By default, plots are rendered to the screen. I enter ‘return’ to
render the next plot. Faster execution obtains if I write plots directly
to pdf files, with SAVEPLOTS = T
. I can specify a folder
this way:
In all plots, posterior distributions and predictions are shown as 68% (boxes) and 95% (whiskers) intervals, respectively. Here are the plots in alphabetical order by file name:
Name | Comments |
betaAll |
Posterior B |
beta_(variable) |
Posterior distributions, one file per variable |
betaChains |
Example MCMC chains for B (has it converged?) |
clusterDataE |
Cluster analysis of raw data and E matrix |
clusterGridB |
Cluster and grid plot of E and B |
clusterGridE |
Cluster and grid plot of E |
clusterGridR |
Cluster and grid plot of R |
corChains |
Example MCMC chains for R |
dimRed |
Dimension reduction (see vignette ) for
Σ matrix |
gridF_B |
Grid plot of sensitivity F and B, ordered by clustering F |
gridR_E |
Grid plot of R and E ordered by clustering R |
gridR |
Grid plot of R, ordered by cluster analysis. |
gridY_E |
Grid plot of correlation for data Y and E, ordered by clustering cor(Y) |
gridTraitB |
If traits are predicted, see gjam vignette
on traits. |
ordination |
PCA of E matrix, including eigenvalues (cumulative) |
partition |
If ordinal responses, posterior distribution of 𝒫 |
richness |
Predictive distribution with distribution of data (histogram) |
sensitivity |
Overall sensitivity f by predictor |
traits |
If traits are predicted, see gjam vignette
on traits. |
traitPred |
If traits are predicted, see gjam vignette
on traits. |
trueVsPars |
If simulated data and trueValues included
in plotPars |
xPred |
Inverse predictive distribution of of X |
xPredFactors |
Inverse predictive distribution of factor levels |
yPred |
Predicted Y, in-sample (blue bars), out-of-sample (dots), and distribution of data (histogram) |
yPredAll |
If PLOTALLY all response predictions
shown |
If the plotPars
list passed to gjamPlot
specifies GRIDPLOTS = T
, then grid and cluster plots are
generated as gridded values for B, Σ and R. Gridplots of matrix R show conditional and
marginal dependence in white and grey. In plots of E marginal independence is
shown in grey, but conditional independence is not shown, as the matrix
does not have an inverse (Clark et al. 2017).
The sensitivity matrix F is shown together in a plot with individual species responses B.
The plot in which the model residual correlation R and the response correlation B are compared are ordered by their similiarity in the R. If the two contain similar structure, then it will be evident in this comparison. There is no reason to expect them to be similar.
For large S the labels are
not shown on the graphs, they would be too small. The order of species
and the cluster groups to which they belong are returned in
and fit$clusterIndex
Here is an example with discrete abundance data, now with heterogeneous sample effort. Heterogeneous effort applies where vegetation plots have different areas, animal survey data have variable search times, or catch returns from fishing vessels have different gear and/or trawling times. Here I simulate a list containing the columns and the effort that applies to those columns, shown for 50 observations:
S <- 5
n <- 50
ef <- list( columns = 1:S, values = round(runif(n,.5,5),1) )
f <- gjamSimData(n, S, typeNames = 'DA', effort = ef)
If ef$values
consists of a length-n vector
then gjam assumes each value applies to all columns in the corresponding
row specified in the vector ef$columns
. This is the case
shown above and would apply when effort is plot area, search time,
sample volume, and so forth. Alternatively, values
can be
supplied as a matrix
, having the same dimensions as
. As a matrix
, ef$values
have elements that differ by observation and species. For example,
camera trap data detect large animals at greater distances than small
animals (column differences), and each camera can be deployed for
different lengths of time (row differences). For simulation purposes
only accepts a vector
. However,
for fitting with gjam
can be
supplied as a matrix
with as many columns as are listed in
Because observations are discrete the continuous latent variables wis are censored. Unlike the previous continuous example, observations yis now assume only discrete values:
The large scatter reflects the variable effort represented by each observation. Incorporating the effort scale gives this plot:
The heterogeneous effort affects the weight of each observation in
model fitting. The effort
is entered in
. Increase the number of iterations and look at
S <- 10
n <- 1500
ef <- list( columns = 1:S, values = round(runif(n,.5,5),1) )
f <- gjamSimData(n, S, typeNames = 'DA', effort = ef)
ml <- list(ng = 1000, burnin = 250, typeNames = f$typeNames, effort = ef)
out <- gjam(f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml)
pl <- list( trueValues = f$trueValues )
gjamPlot(output = out, plotPars = pl)
Use summary(out)
to see a summary of effort.
To analyze data that are censored at specific intervals, I specify
the censored values and the intervals to which those values apply. In
the help page for gjamCensorY
I discuss a
of values
and a corresponding
of upper and lower bounds in two rows and one column
for each element in values
. For example, if an observer
stops counting wildebeest or sea lions at, say, 100 animals, I can set
this as a censored interval:
# assumes there is a data matrix ydata
upper <- 100
intv <- matrix(c(upper,Inf),2)
rownames(intv) <- c('lower','upper')
tmp <- gjamCensorY(values = upper, intervals = intv, y = f$ydata, type='DA')
There are two objects returned by gjamCensor
. The
list $censor
holds two lists, the $columns
indicating which columns in $y
are censored, and the
, giving the values and bounds for the partition.
Because I did not specify whichcol
in my call to
, censoring defaults to all columns in
. The object $y
matches the mode and
dimensions of the input y
(a matrix
). This new version of the response matrix
replaces any values in ydata
that fall within a censored
interval with the censored value
. This feature is useful
when observers are inconsistent on the assignment of intervals or where
an analyst distrusts the precision reported in data. For example, if
counts range to thousands, but it is known that counts beyond 100 are
inaccurate, then all counts above 100 are censored and, thus,
Censoring can be applied differently to each response variable. For
example, chemical constitents reported as concentrations in a sample,
sometimes reach non-zero minimum values, taken as detection limits for
that instrument and that constituent (detection limits can differ for
each constituent). In this case, there is a list
for each
column in ydata
. I can generate this list
a loop, where the censored interval for each column j
from -Inf
to min(ydata[,j])
miny <- apply(f$ydata, 2, min, na.rm=T) #minimum value by column
censor <- numeric(0)
p <- matrix(0, 3, dimnames=list(c("values","lower","upper"), NULL))
for(j in 1:ncol(f$ydata)){
p[1:3] <- c(miny[j], -Inf, miny[j])
jlist <- list("columns" = j, "partition" = p)
censor <- c(censor, list(jlist))
names(censor)[j] <- 'CA'
This list censor
can be passed directly to
in the list modelList
Informative prior distributions in regression models are rare, perhaps partly because it is hard to assign both magnitude (e.g., large or small prior mean value) and weight (large or small prior variance) without obscuring the relative contributions of prior and data. Prior distributions for regression coefficients are typically Gaussian, having support on (−∞, ∞). In many cases, the sign of the effect is known, but the magnitude is not. Ad hoc experimentation with prior mean and variance can, at best, only insure that ‘most’ of the posterior distribution is positive or negative. Yet, it can be important to use prior information, especially in the multivariate setting, where covariances between responses can result in estimates where the sign of a coefficient effect makes no sense.
The knowledge of the ‘direction’ of the effect can be readily implmented with uniform priors truncated at zero, having the advantage that the posterior distribution that preserves the shape of the likelihood, but is restricted to positive or negative values (Clark et al. 2013).
The prior distribution for B is either non-informative
(if unspecified) or truncated by limits provided in the
list betaPrior
. The betaPrior list
the two matrices lo
and hi
. The rows of these
matrices have rownames
that match explanatory variables in
the formula
and colnames
. In the example that follows I fit a model for FIA
data to winter temperature temp
, climatic
, and their interaction. For this example, I use a
prior distribution having positive effects of warm winters and negative
effects of climate deficit. This prior is set up with the function
The prior distribution is also the place to exclude specific
predictor/response combinations, by setting them equal to
in lo
or hi
. Here is an
example of informative priors on some coefficients:
xdata <- forestTraits$xdata
formula <- as.formula(~ temp*deficit)
snames <- colnames(treeYdata)
# warm winter
hot <- c("liquStyr","liriTuli","pinuEchi","pinuElli","pinuPalu","pinuTaed",
"querPhel","querVirg") # arbitrary spp, positive winter temp
nh <- length(hot)
lo <- vector('list', nh)
names(lo) <- paste('temp',hot,sep='_')
for(j in 1:nh)lo[[j]] <- 0
# humid climate (negative deficit)
humid <- c("abieBals", "betuAlle", "querNigr", "querPhel") #again, arbitrary
nh <- length(humid)
hi <- vector('list', nh)
names(hi) <- paste('deficit',humid,sep='_')
for(j in 1:nh)hi[[j]] <- 0
bp <- gjamPriorTemplate(formula, xdata, ydata = treeYdata, lo = lo, hi=hi)
rl <- list(N = 10, r = 5)
ml <- list(ng=1000, burnin=200, typeNames = 'CA', betaPrior = bp, reductList=rl)
out <- gjam(formula, xdata, ydata = treeYdata, modelList = ml)
sc <- rep('grey',ncol(treeYdata))
sc[snames %in% hot] <- '#ff7f00' # highlight informative priors
sc[snames %in% humid] <- '#1f78b4'
pl <- list( GRIDPLOTS = T, specColor = sc)
gjamPlot(output = out, plotPars = pl)
The combination of lo
and hi
set the limits
for posterior draws from the truncated multivariate normal distribution.
The help
page for gjamPriorTemplate
an example with informative priors specified for individual
predictor-response combinations.
There can be times when specific species-predictor combinations could be omitted. For example, some species may never occur on some soil types. If I want to estimate β conditioned on some elements being zero, I could do the following:
formula <- as.formula(~ temp + soil)
# find species-soil type combinations that occur less than 5 times
y0 <- treeYdata
y0[ y0 > 0 ] <- 1
soil <- rep( as.character(xdata$soil), ncol(y0) )
soil <- paste('soil', soil, sep='') # soil is a factor, so full name begins with variable name
spec <- rep( colnames(y0), each = nrow(y0) )
specBySoil <- tapply( as.vector(y0), list(spec, soil), sum )
wna <- which( specBySoil < 5, arr.ind = T ) # only if at least 5 observations
# assign NA to excluded coefficients using species-variable names
nh <- nrow(wna)
lo <- vector('list', nh)
names(lo) <- paste( rownames(specBySoil)[wna[,1]], colnames(specBySoil)[wna[,2]], sep='_' )
hi <- lo
for(j in 1:nh)lo[[j]] <- NA
hi <- lo
# setup prior and fit model
bp <- gjamPriorTemplate(formula, xdata, ydata = treeYdata, lo = lo, hi=hi)
rl <- list(N = 10, r = 5)
ml <- list(ng=1000, burnin=200, typeNames = 'CA', betaPrior = bp, reductList=rl)
out <- gjam(formula, xdata, ydata = treeYdata, modelList = ml)
The values in out$parameters$betaMu
will show these
omitted values as NA
Discrete count ('DA'
) data have effort associated with
search time, plot area, and so forth. When the effort values are
measured in units that result in large differences between data types
sampled with different efforts, model fitting deteriorates. The modeling
scale is W = Y/E, where
Y are counts, and E is effort. Units that make E large, can make W vanishingly small. When counts per
unit effort span different orders of magnitude for different data types,
consider changing the units on effort to bring them more in alignment
with one another. Model predictions for ground beetles (pitfall traps)
and small mammals (live traps) in our NEON analysis improved by shifting
from trap-days to trap-months.
Composition count ('CC'
) data have heterogenous effort
due to different numbers of counts for each sample. For example, in
microbiome data, the number of reads per sample can range from 102 to 106. Typically, the number of
reads does not depend on total abundance. It is generally agreed that
only relative differences are important. gjam knows that the effort in
data is the total count for the sample, so
does not need to be specified. Here is an example
with simulated data:
f <- gjamSimData( S = 8, typeNames = 'CC' )
ml <- list( ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = f$typeNames )
out <- gjam( f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml )
gjamPlot( output = out, plotPars = list( trueValues = f$trueValues) )
For comparison, here is an example with fractional composition, where there is no effort:
Ordinal count ('OC'
) data are collected where abundance
must be evaluated rapidly or precise measurements are difficult. Because
there is no absolute scale the partition must be inferred. Here is an
example with 10 species:
f <- gjamSimData( typeNames = 'OC' )
ml <- list( ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = f$typeNames )
out <- gjam( f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml )
A simple plot of the posterior mean values of cutMu
shows the estimates with true values from simulation:
par( mfrow=c(1,1), bty = 'n' )
keep <- strsplit(colnames(out$parameters$cutMu),'C-') #only saved columns
keep <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(keep)), ncol = 2, byrow = T)[,2]
plot( f$trueValues$cuts[,keep], out$parameters$cutMu, xlab = 'True partition',
ylab = 'Estimated partition')
Here are plots:
Categorical data have levels within groups. The levels are unordered.
The columns in ydata
that hold categorical responses are
declared as typeNames = "CAT"
. In observation vector yi there
are elements for one less than the number of factor levels. Suppose that
observations are obtained on attributes of individual plants, each plant
being an observation. The group leaf
type might have four
levels broadleaf decidious bd
, needleleaf decidious
, broadleaf evergreen be
, and needleaf
evergreen ne
. A second group xylem
might have three levels diffuse porous dp
, ring porous
, and tracheid tr
. In both cases I assign
the last class to be a reference class, other
. Ten rows of
the response matrix data might look like this:
## leaf xylem
## 1 other dp
## 2 other dp
## 3 be dp
## 4 be other
## 5 nd dp
## 6 nd dp
## 7 other other
This data.frame ydata
becomes this response matrix
## leaf_bd leaf_nd leaf_be leaf_other xylem_dp xylem_rp xylem_other
## [1,] 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
## [2,] 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
## [3,] 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
## [4,] 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
## [5,] 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
## [6,] 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
## [7,] 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
expands the two groups into four and three columns
in y
, respectively. As for composition data there is one
redundant column for each group. Here is an example with simulated data,
having two categorical groups:
types <- c( 'CAT', 'CAT' )
f <- gjamSimData( n = 3000, S = length(types), typeNames = types )
ml <- list( ng = 1500, burnin = 500, typeNames = f$typeNames, PREDICTX = F )
out <- gjam( f$formula, xdata = f$xdata, ydata = f$ydata, modelList = ml )
gjamPlot( out, plotPars = list(trueValues = f$trueValues, PLOTALLY = T) )
One of the advantages of gjam is that it combines data of many types. Here is an example showing joint analysis of 12 species represented by five data types, specified by column:
types <- c('OC','OC','OC','OC','CC','CC','CC','CC','CC','CA','CA','PA','PA' )
f <- gjamSimData( S = length(types), Q = 5, typeNames = types )
ml <- list( ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = f$typeNames )
out <- gjam( f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml )
tmp <- data.frame( f$typeNames, out$inputs$classBySpec[,1:10] )
print( tmp )
I have displayed the first 10 columns of classBySpec
from the inputs
of out
, with their
. The ordinal count ('OC'
) data
occupy lower intervals. The width of each interval in OC
data depends on the estimate of the partition in cutMu
The composition count ('CC'
) data occupy a broader range
of intervals. Because CC
data are only relative, there is
information on only S − 1
species. One species is selected as other
. The
class can be a collection of rare species (Clark et
al. 2017).
Both continuous abundance ('CA'
) and presence-absence
) data have two intervals. For CA data only the first
interval is censored, the zeros (see above). For PA
both interval are censored; it is a multivariate probit.
Here are some plots for analysis of this model:
In addition to random effects on species used in dimension reduction,
allows for random groups. Examples could be observer
effects for bird point counts or plot effects, where there are multiple
observations per plot. Just like fixed effects, random effects should
have replication. In other words, if I want to estimate an observer
effect, I should have multiple observations for each observer. For plot
effects, I want replication within plots.
To specify random groups, I provide the name of the column in
that holds the group indicator. This can be entered
as an integer, a factor level, or a character variable.
This column will be the basis for the random groups. Any rare groups
(less than a few observations) will be aggregated into a single
category, again, to insure replication.
In the gjam
output, here are objects related to random
effects in output$parameters
object | dimension | description |
randByGroupMu |
S by G |
random groups, mean |
randByGroupSe |
S by G |
SE |
groupIndex |
n |
group index for observations |
gjam identifies missing values in xdata
and models them as part of the posterior
distribution. These are located at $missing$xmiss
. The estimates for missing X are
and $missing$xmissSe
. The
estimates for missing Y are
and $missing$ymissSe
To simulate missing data use nmiss
to indicate the
number of missing values. The actual value will be less than
Note that missing values are assumed to occur in random rows and
columns, but not in column one, which is the intercept and known. No
further action is needed for model fitting, as gjam
to treat these as missing data.
Out-of-sample prediction of Y is not part of the
posterior distribution. For model fitting, holdouts can be specified
randomly in modelList
with holdoutN
number of plots to be held out at random) or with
(observation numbers, i.e., row numbers in
and y
). The latter can be useful when a
comparison of predictions is desired for different models using the same
plots as holdouts.
When observations are held out, gjam
out-of-sample prediction for both x[holdoutIndex,]
. The holdouts are not included in the
fitting of B,Σ, or 𝒫. For prediction of
, the values of
are known, and sampling for
is done with multivariate normal
distribution, without censoring. This is done because the censoring
depends on y[holdoutIndex,]
, which taken to be unknown.
This sample of w[holdoutIndex,]
becomes a prediction for
using the partition (Figure 1a).
For inverse prediction of x[holdoutIndex,]
the values of
are known. This represents the situation
where a sample of the community is available, and the investigator would
like to predict the environment of origin.
Here is an example with simulated data having both missing values and holdout observations:
f <- gjamSimData( typeNames = 'CA', nmiss = 20 )
ml <- list( ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = f$typeNames, holdoutN = 50 )
out <- gjam( f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml )
par( mfrow=c(1,3), bty = 'n' )
xMu <- out$prediction$xpredMu # inverse prediction of x
xSd <- out$prediction$xpredSd
yMu <- out$prediction$ypredMu # predicted y
hold <- out$modelList$holdoutIndex # holdout observations (rows)
plot(out$inputs$xUnstand[hold,-1],xMu[hold,-1], cex=.2, xlab='True', ylab='Predictive mean')
title('holdouts in x')
abline( 0, 1, lty=2 )
plot(out$inputs$y[hold,], yMu[hold,], cex=.2, xlab='True', ylab='')
title('holdouts in y')
abline( 0, 1, lty=2 )
xmiss <- out$missing$xmiss # locations of missing x
xmissMu <- out$missing$xmissMu
xmissSe <- out$missing$xmissSe
xmean <- apply(f$xdata,2,mean,na.rm=T)[xmiss[,2]] # column means for missing values
plot(xmean, xmissMu, xlab='Variable mean', ylab='Missing estimate') #posterior estimates
segments(xmean, xmissMu - 1.96*xmissSe, xmean, xmissMu + 1.96*xmissSe) #approx 95% CI
title('missing x')
Note that there are no ‘true’ values in the simulation for missing x–the last graph at right just shows estimates relative to mean values for respective variables.
Out-of-sample prediction can not only be done by holding out samples
in gjam
. It can also be done post-fitting, with the
function gjamPredict
. In this second case, a prediction
grid is passed together with the fitted object generated by
. Here is an example with counts (DA
) and
continuous data (CA
). I simulate, fit, and predict these
data with heterogeneous sample effort:
sc <- 3 # no. CA responses
sd <- 10 # no. DA responses
tn <- c( rep('CA',sc),rep('DA',sd) ) # combine CA and DA obs
S <- length(tn)
n <- 500
emat <- matrix( runif(n,.5,5), n, sd ) # simulated DA effort
eff <- list( columns = c((sc+1):S), values = emat )
f <- gjamSimData( n = n, typeNames = tn, effort = eff )
ml <- list( ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = f$typeNames, effort = f$effort )
out <- gjam( f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml )
gjamPredict( out, y2plot = colnames(f$ydata)[tn == 'DA'] ) # predict DA data
The prediction plot fits the data well, because it assumes the same effort. However, I might wish to predict data with a standard level of effort, say ‘1’. This new effort is taken in the same units as was used to fit the data, e.g., plot area, time observed, and so on. I use the same design matrix, but specify this new effort. Here I first predict the data with the actual effort, followed by the new effort of 1
cols <- c( '#1b9e77','#d95f02' )
new <- list( xdata = f$xdata, effort=eff, nsim = 500 ) # effort unchanged
p1 <- gjamPredict( output = out, newdata = new )
plot(f$y[,tn == 'DA'], p1$sdList$yMu[,tn == 'DA'],
xlab = 'Observed', ylab = 'Predicted', cex=.2, col = cols[1] )
abline( 0, 1, lty = 2 )
new$effort$values <- eff$values*0 + 1 # predict for effort = 1
p2 <- gjamPredict( output = out, newdata = new )
points( f$y[,tn == 'DA'], p2$sdList$yMu[,tn == 'DA'], col= cols[2], cex=.2 )
legend( 'topleft', c('Actual effort', 'Effort = 1'), text.col = cols, bty='n' )
The orange dots show what the model would predict had effort on all observations been equal to 1.
can predict a subset of columns in y
conditional on other columns using the function
. Here is an example using the model fitted in
the previous section. Consider model prediction in the case where the
second plant species is absent, and the first species is at its mean
value. In other words, for these plant species abundances, what is the
effect of model predictors? I compare it to predictions where I first
condition on the observed values for the first two plant species. I do
not specify a new version of xdata
, but rather include the
columns of y
to condition on:
cols <- c( '#1b9e77','#d95f02','#e7298a' )
condCols <- 1:3
pCols <- c(1:S)[-condCols]
new <- list(ydataCond = f$y[,condCols], nsim=200) # cond on observed CA data
p1 <- gjamPredict(output = out, newdata = new)$sdList$yMu[,pCols]
new <- list(ydataCond = f$y[,condCols]*0, nsim=200) # spp 1, 2 absent
p2 <- gjamPredict(output = out, newdata = new)$sdList$yMu[,pCols]
obs <- f$y[,pCols]
plot( jitter(obs), p2, xlab='Observed', ylab = 'Predicted', cex=.1,
ylim=range(c(p1,p2)), col = cols[1] )
points( jitter(obs), out$prediction$ypredMu[,pCols], col=cols[2], cex=.1)
points( jitter(obs), p1, col=cols[3], cex=.1)
abline( 0, 1, lty=2 )
legend( 'topleft',
c('Conditioned on absent spp 1:3', 'Unconditional', 'Conditioned on observed spp 1:3'),
text.col = cols, bty='n')
In the first case, I held the values for columns 1 and 2 at the
values observed. This conditioning on observed values changes the
predictions of other variables. In the second case, I conditioned on the
specific values of y
mentioned above. Both differ from the
unconditional prediction.
When there are large covariances in the estimates of Σ the conditional predictions can differ dramatically from anything observed. In fact, if I condition on values of y that are well outside the data predictions will make no sense at all. Conversely, if covariances in Σ are near zero conditional distributions will not look much different from unconditional predictions. With dimension reduction we have only a crude estimate of Σ, so conditional prediction was be judged accordingly.
Here is a second example, where I ask how knowledge of some species affects ability to predict others.
d <- ""
xdata <- forestTraits$xdata # n X Q
ydata <- gjamReZero( forestTraits$treesDeZero ) # n X S
ydata <- ydata[,colnames(ydata) != 'other']
ydata <- gjamTrimY( ydata, 200, OTHER=F )$y
Here is a model fitted to the forest "DA"
ml <- list( ng = 2500, burnin = 1000, typeNames = 'DA',
formula <- as.formula(~ temp + deficit*moisture)
output <- gjam( formula, xdata, ydata, modelList = ml )
# prediction
newdata <- list( nsim=100 )
tmp <- gjamPredict( output, newdata=newdata )
full <- tmp$sdList$yMu
Here I condition on half of the species and predict the other half:
cols <- c( '#1b9e77','#d95f02' )
cnames <- sample( colnames(ydata), S/2)
wc <- match(cnames, colnames(ydata))
newdata <- list(ydataCond = ydata[,cnames], nsim=100)
tmp <- gjamPredict(output, newdata = newdata)
condy <- tmp$sdList$yMu
plot(ydata[,-wc], full[,-wc], ylim = c(range(ydata)),
xlab = 'Observed', ylab = 'Predicted', col = cols[1], cex = .3)
abline( 0, 1, lty=2 )
points( ydata[,-wc], condy[,-wc], col = cols[2], cex = .3)
legend( 'topleft', c('Unconditional', 'Conditional on half of species'),
text.col = cols[1:2], bty='n' )
Again, the conditional prediction can differ from the unconditional one, due to the covariances between species.
The parameters used for conditional prediction can be obtained with
the function gjamConditionalParameters
. The coeffficients
come from a partition of the response vector as w′ = [u, v]
with coefficient and covariance matrices
$$ \mathbf{B} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{B}_u \\ \mathbf{B}_v \\ \end{bmatrix}, \Sigma = \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_{uu} & \Sigma_{uv} \\ \Sigma_{vu} & \Sigma_{vv} \\ \end{bmatrix} $$
Write the conditional distribution for responses in u conditioned on values set for the others in v,
\mathbf{u}|\mathbf{v} &\sim MVN \left( \mathbf{C}\mathbf{x} +
\mathbf{A}\mathbf{v}, \mathbf{P} \right) \\
\mathbf{A} &= \Sigma_{uv} \Sigma^{-1}_{vv} \\
\mathbf{C} &= \mathbf{B}_u - \mathbf{A}\mathbf{B}_v \\
\mathbf{P} &= \Sigma_{uu} - \mathbf{A}\Sigma_{vu}
$$ gjamConditionalParameters
takes the fitted
object and returns these three matrices, each as a
matrix of posterior means and standard errors and as a table with 95%
credible intervals. The vector conditionOn
holds the column
names in ydata
for the variables that I want to condition
on, i.e., in the subvector v,
Matrix A is like a
regression matrix on species. It is a Su × Sv
matrix holding the effects of each response in conditionOn
(v) on the other
columns (u).
Matrix C are regression coefficients on predictors in x, after extracting the contribution from other species. It is a Su × Q matrix.
Matrix P is the Su × Su conditional covariance.
If I have a model for effort, then incidence data can have a likelihood, i.e., a probability assigned to observations that are aggregated into groups of known effort. I cannot model absence for the aggregate data unless I know how much effort was devoted to searching for it. Effort is widely known to have large spatio-temporal and taxonomic bias.
If I know the effort for a region, even in terms of a model (e.g.,
distance from universities and museums, from rivers or trails, numbers
of a species already in collections), I can treat aggregate data as
counts. If I do not know effort, out of desperation I might use the
total numbers of all species counted in a region as a crude index of
effort. The help
page for function
provides examples to aggregate incidence
data with (x, y) locations to a lattice.
If effort is known I can supply a prediction grid
for the known effort map and aggregate incidence
to that map. I can then model the data are 'DA'
specifying effort as in the example above.
If effort is unknown, I can model the data as composition data,
. Again, this is a desperate measure, because there are
many reasons why even the total for all species at a lattice point might
not represent relative effort.
Microbiome, genetic, and hyperspectral satelitte data are examples of observations characterized by a large number of response variables S (e.g., species); we refer to such data sets as ‘big-S’. Covariance Σ has dimension S × S, with S(S + 1)/2 unique elements, the S diagonal elements plus 1/2 of the off-diagonal elements. For example, a data set with S = 100 has 5050 unique elements in Σ. It must be inverted, an order(S3) operation. Even in cases where Σ can be inverted the number of observations may not be sufficient to accurately estimate the large number of parameters in the model. In gjam, big-S is handled by generating a low-order approximation of Σ. The rank of Σ is reduced by finding structure, essentially groups of responses that respond similarly. (Taylor-Rodriguez et al. 2017).
The interpretation of a reduced model warrants a few words. If we replace Σ with a much smaller number of estimates, we cannot insist that we can know the covariance between every species. If Σ does not contain structure that can be adequately summarized with fewer estimates, then we have at best a version of the model that soaks up some of the dependence structure that is important for estimating B. On the other hand Σ may contain substantial structure that can be captured by a small number of estimates. We first point out that an analysis of big-S data sets need not include every species that might be recorded in a data set and how gjam functions can be used to trim large data sets. We then describe dimension reduction in gjam.
A species s that bears no relationship to any of the predictors in X (all Bs small) or to other species s’ (all Σs′, s small) will not be ‘explained’ by the model. Such species will contribute little to the model fit, while degrading performance. Consider either of two options for reducing the number of species in the model, trimming and aggregation.
Trim species that are not of interest, that will not affect the fit, or both.
Aggregation can be based on a number of criteria,
such as phylogenetic similarity (e.g., members of the same genus), by
functional similarity (e.g., a feeding guild, C3 vs
C4 plants), and so forth. Rare species can be aggregated into
a single group. For example, Clark et al. (2014) include 96 tree species
that occur on a minimum of 50 forest inventory plots in eastern North
America. The remaining species can be gathered into a single class. When
this option is used the name ‘other’ is assigned to this class
in the plots-by-species matrix ydata
. Including this class
is important where species compete, such as forest trees. It can also be
used as a reference category for composition data, summarized below
In gjam, the total number of covariance parameter estimates is reduced to N × r, where r < N < < S. The integer N represents the potential number of response groups. The integer r is the dimensionality of each group. In other words, large N means more groups, and large r increases the flexibility of those N groups.
Dimension reduction is invoked in one of two ways. The first way is automatic, when i) a data set includes more species than can be fitted given sample size n or when ii) S is too large irrespective of n.
A second way to invoke dimension reduction is to
specify it in modelList
, through the
list reductList
. Here is an example using simulated data,
where the number of species is twice the number of observations.
f <- gjamSimData( n = 100, S = 200, typeNames='CA' )
ml <- list( ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = f$typeNames,
reductList = list(r = 15, N = 25), PREDICTX = F )
out <- gjam( f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml )
gjamPlot( output = out, plotPars = list(trueValues = f$trueValues) )
The full matrix is not stored, so gjam needs time to construct
versions of it as needed. The setting PREDICTX = F
can be
included in modelList
to speed up computation, when
prediction of inputs is not of interest.
The massive reduction in rank of the covariance matrix means that the
we cannot estimate the ‘true’ version of Σ, particularly given the
fact that the simulator does not generate a structured Σ. These appear as highly
structured GRIDPLOTS
for the posterior mean estimates of
the correlation matrix R. However, we can still
obtain estimates of B
and predictions of Y
that are close to true values.
To override the automatic dimension reduction for a large response
matrix, specify modelList$REDUCT <- FALSE
Microbiome data are often big-S, small-n; with thousands of
response variables, columns in Y (e.g., OTUs). They are
also composition count ('CC'
) data, discrete counts, but
not related to absolute abundance; they are meaningful in a relative
sense. Because data only inform about relative abundance, there is
information for only S − 1
species. If there are thousands of OTUs, most of which are rare and thus
not explained by the model, consider aggregating the many rare types
into a single other
Fungal endophytes were sequenced on host tree seedlings (Hersh et
al. 2016). In the data set fungEnd
there is a compressed
version of responses yDeZero
containing OTU counts, a
containing predictors, and
, a vector of host responses, 0 for morbid, 1 for no
signs of morbidity. Several histograms show the overwhelming numbers of
zeros. Here we extract the data, stored in de-zeroed format, and
generate some plots:
d <- ""
xdata <- fungEnd$xdata
otu <- gjamReZero(fungEnd$yDeZero)
status <- fungEnd$status
par( mfrow=c(1,3), bty='n' )
hist( status, main='Host condition (morbid = 0)', ylab = 'Host obs' )
hist( otu, nclass=100, ylab = "Reads", main = "OTU's" )
nobs <- gjamTrimY( otu, minObs = 1, OTHER = F )$nobs
hist( nobs/ncol(otu), nclass=100, xlab = 'Fraction of observations',
ylab = 'Frequency', main='Incidence' )
The graph on the left shows that two thirds of host seedlings are in the morbid condition. The middle graph shows that an individual OTU may be counted > 40,000 times in an obseration, but the vast majority of observations (96%) are zero. The graph on the right shows the frequency for the fraction of observations in which each OTU occurs. The most common OTU occurs in 23% of observations, but most occur only once or twice.
The model will provide no information on the rarest taxa. Here we
trim otu
to include only OTUs that occur in > 100
observations. The rarest OTUs are aggregated into the last column of
with the column name other
tmp <- gjamTrimY(otu, minObs = 100)
y <- tmp$y
dim(fungEnd$y) # all OTUs
dim(y) # trimmed data
tail(colnames(y)) # 'other' class added
The full response matrix includes the OTU composition counts and the host status in column 1:
ydata <- cbind(status, y) # host status is also a response
S <- ncol(ydata)
typeNames <- rep('CC',S) # composition count data
typeNames[1] <- 'PA' # binary host status
The interactions in the model involve two factors poly
(two levels, polyculture vs monoculture) and host
factor levels, one for each host species). I assign
as the reference class for host
For this example we specify up to N = 20 clusters with r = 3 columns each. Here is an analysis of host seedling and polyculture effect on combined host morbidity status and the microbiome composition:
ml <- list( ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = typeNames,
reductList = list(r = 8, N = 15) )
output <- gjam(~ host*poly, xdata, ydata, modelList = ml)
Here is output:
S <- ncol(ydata)
specColor <- rep('blue',S)
specColor[1] <- '#b2182b' # highlight host status
fit <- gjamPlot( output, plotPars = list(specColor = specColor, GRIDPLOTS = T,
Check the chains for convergence. Those coefficients that do not converge are poorly represented in factorial factor combinations.
Again, the low dimensional version of covariance Σ is expected to perform
best when there is structure in the data. The responses in matrix E, returned in
, classify OTUs in three main groups, contained
in fit$eComs
A plot of main effects, interactions, and indirect effects is used in
this example to show contributions to host status, the response variable
. The effects on host status of on responses is
available as a table with standard errors and credible intervals:
beta <- output$parameters$betaTable
ws <- grep( 'status_',rownames(beta) ) # find coefficients for status
Following the intercept are rows showing main effects. These are followed by interaction terms. A quick visual of coefficients having credible intervals that exclude zero is here:
with -
and +
indicating negative and
postive values.
Here I use the function gamIIE
to create the object
, a list
of these main, interaction, and
indirect effects. I specify not to include the response variable
as an indirect effect on status
, because
we want to focus on the effects of microbes that have been assigned to
known taxonomic groups.
I specify the values for main effects that are involved in the
interactions between poly
and host
. Each
factor has one less column in the design matrix x
factor levels. poly
has two classes in xdata
one each for monoculture and polyculture, so there is one
column in x
. host
has eight
species in xdata
, so there are seven columns in
. Recall that we assigned acerRubr
to be the
reference class, so there is no column for it in x
The vector of predictor values xvector
passed to
has the same elements and names as columns in
. For this reason it is easiest to simply assign it a row
in x
, then change the values. The only values that
influence interactions are those that are involved in interaction terms,
as specified in formula
For the following plots I copy the first row of x
. In
the first are main effects of all predictors on status
. In
the second plot is interactions with poly
set to 1. In the
third plot are indirect effects of the microbes:
x <- output$inputs$xUnstand
xvector <- x[1,]*0
names(xvector) <- colnames(x)
xvector['hostfraxAmer'] <- 1
xvector['polypoly'] <- 1
fit1 <- gjamIIE(output, xvector, omitY = 'other')
par(mfrow=c(1,3), bty='n', oma = c(1,2,0,0),
mar = c(3,3,3,1), tcl = -0.5, mgp = c(3,1,0))
gjamIIEplot(fit1, response = 'status', effectMu = 'direct',
effectSd = 'direct', legLoc = 'bottomright', ylim=c(-10,10))
title('Direct effect by host')
gjamIIEplot(fit1, response = 'status', effectMu = 'int', effectSd = 'int',
legLoc = 'topright', ylim=c(-10,10))
title('Interactions with polyculture')
gjamIIEplot(fit1, response = 'status', effectMu = 'ind', effectSd = 'ind',
legLoc = 'topright', ylim=c(-5,5))
title('Indirect effect of microbiome')
The plot at left is the direct effect, which includes both the main
effects plus interactions and plotted relative to the mean over all
hosts. The interaction contribution at center is the effect of each
host, when grown in polyculture (poly = ref1
) and of
polyculture when the host = 'fraxAmer
The indirect effects bring with them the main effects and interaction effects on each microbial taxon. In this example the indirect effects are noisy, showing large 95% intervals.
Because it accommodates different data types gjam can be used to
model ecological traits by either of two approaches (Clark
2016). One approach uses community weighted mean/mode (CWMM) trait
values for a plot i as a
response vector ui,
where each trait has a corresponding data type designation in
. I discuss this approach first. I then summarize
the second approach, predictive trait modeling.
There are n observations of M traits to be explained by Q − 1 predictors in design matrix X. The Trait Response Model (TRM) in Clark 2016 is
wi ∼ MVN(A′xi, Ω)
where wi is a length-M vector of expected CWMM values, A is the Q × M matrix of coefficients, and Ω is the M × M residual covariance (diagram below). After describing the setup and model fitting I show how gjam summarizes the estimates and predictions.
Trait response model showing the sizes of matrices for a sample containing n observations, M traits, and Q predictors.
Data contained in forestTraits
include predictors in
, a character vector of data types in
, and treesDeZero
, which contains
tree biomass in de-zeroed format. Here the data are loaded, re-zeroed
with gjamReZero
d <- ""
xdata <- forestTraits$xdata # n X Q
types <- forestTraits$traitTypes # 12 trait types
sbyt <- forestTraits$specByTrait # S X 12
pbys <- gjamReZero(forestTraits$treesDeZero) # n X S
pbys <- gjamTrimY(pbys,5)$y # at least 5 plots
sbyt <- sbyt[match(colnames(pbys),rownames(sbyt)),] # trait matrix matches ydata
The matrix pbys
holds biomass values for species. The
first six columns of sbyt
are centered and standardized.
The three ordinal classes are integer values, but do not represent an
absolute scale (see below). The three groups of categorical variables in
data.frame sbyt
have different numbers of levels shown
table(sbyt$leaf) # four levels
table(sbyt$xylem) # diffuse/tracheid vs ring-porous
table(sbyt$repro) # two levels
These species traits are translated into community-weighted means and
modes (CWMM) by the function gjamSpec2Trait
Note the change in data types by comparing types
individuals of a species with tTypes
for CWMM values at the
plot scale. At the plot scale tTypes
has M = 15 values, because the leaf
group in types
includes four levels,
which are expanded to four 'FC'
columns in u
The two-level groups 'xylem'
and 'repro'
transformed to censored continuous values on (0, 1) and thus each occupy
a single column in u
As discussed in Clark
(2016) the interpretation of CWMM values in u
is not
the same as the interpretation of species-level traits assigned in
. Let T′ be a
species-by-traits matrix specByTrait
, constructed as CWMM
values in function gjamSpec2Trait
. The row names of
match the column names for the n × S species abundance
matrix plotByTrees
. The latter is referenced to individuals
of a species.
The plot-by-trait matrix u
is referenced to a location,
i.e., one row in matrix u
. It is a CWMM, with values
derived from measurements on individual trees, but combined to produce a
weighted value for each location. Ordinal traits (shade
, flood
) are community weighted modes,
because ordinal scores cannot be averaged. The CWMM value for a plot may
not be the same data type as the trait measured on an individual tree
. Here is a table of 15 columns in u
trait | typeName |
partition | comment |
gmPerSeed |
(−∞, ∞) | centered, standardized |
maxHt |
” | ” |
leafN |
” | ” |
leafP |
” | ” |
” | ” |
woodSG |
” | ” |
shade |
OC |
(−∞, 0, ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4, ∞) | five tolerance bins |
drought |
OC |
” | ” |
flood |
OC |
” | ” |
leaf_broaddeciduous |
FC |
(−∞, 0, 1, ∞) | categorical traits become FC data as CWMs |
leaf_broadevergreen |
FC |
” | ” |
leaf_needleevergreen |
FC |
” | ” |
leaf_other |
FC |
” | ” |
repro_monoecious |
CA |
(−∞, 0, 1, ∞) | two categories become continuous (censored) |
xylem_ring |
CA |
” | ” |
The first six CON
variables are continuous, centered,
and standardized, as is often done in trait studies. In gjam
is the only data type that is not assumed to be
censored at zero.
The three OC
variables are ordinal classes, lacking an
absolute scale–the partition must be estimated.
The four fractional composition FC
columns are the
levels of the single CAT
variable leaf
expanded by the function gjamSpec2Trait
The last two traits in u
are fractions with two classes,
only one of which is included here. They are censored at both 0 and 1,
the intervals (−∞, 0) and (1, ∞). This censoring can be generated using
censorList <- gjamCensorY(values = c(0,1), intervals = cbind( c(-Inf,0),c(1,Inf) ),
y = u, whichcol = c(13:14))$censor
This censoring was already done with gjamSpec2Trait
which knows to treat 'CAT'
data with only two levels as
censored 'CA'
data. In this case the
values = c(0,1)
indicates that zeros and ones in the data
indicate censoring. The intervals
matrix gives their
Multilevel factors in xdata
require some interpretation.
If you have not worked with multilevel factors, refer to the R
page for factor
. The interpretation of
coefficients for multilevel factors depends on the reference level used
to construct a contrasts matrix. Standard models in R assign
contrasts that may not assume the reference level that is desired.
Moreover, if the reference is unspecified, it depends on on the order of
observations and variables in the data.
In xdata
the variable soil
is a multilevel
factor, which includes soil types that are both common and have
potentially strong effects. Here are the first few rows of
I used the name reference
for a soil type to aggregate
types that are rare. Factor levels that rarely occur cannot be estimated
in the model.
The R function relevel
allows definition of a reference
level. In this case I want to compare levels to the reference soil type
To avoid confusion, contrasts can be inspected as
. If the reference class is
all zeros and other classes are zeros and ones, then the intercept is
the reference class.
Here is an analysis of the data, with 20 holdout plots. Predictors in
are winter temperature (temp
), local
, climatic moisture deficit
. As discussed above, the variable soil
a multi-level factor.
ml <- list(ng = 3000, burnin = 500, typeNames = tTypes, holdoutN = 20,
censor=censor, notStandard = c('u1','u2','u3'))
out <- gjam(~ temp + stdage + moisture*deficit + deficit*soil,
xdata = xdata, ydata = u, modelList = ml)
tnames <- colnames(u)
sc <- rep('black', M) # highlight types
wo <- which(tnames %in% c("leafN","leafP","SLA") ) # foliar traits
wf <- grep("leaf",tnames) # leaf habit
wc <- which(tnames %in% c("woodSG","diffuse","ring") ) # wood anatomy
sc[wc] <- 'brown'
sc[wf] <- 'darkblue'
sc[wo] <- 'darkgreen'
pl <- list(GRIDPLOTS = TRUE, PLOTALLY = T, specColor = sc)
gjamPlot(output = out, plotPars = pl)
The model fit is interpreted in the same way as other gjam analyses.
Note that specColor
is used to highlight different types of
traits in the posterior plots for values in coefficient matrix A. Parameter estimates are
contained in parameters
out$parameters$betaMu # Q by M coefficient matrix alpha
out$parameters$betaStandXmu # Q by M standardized for X
out$parameters$betaStandXWmu # (Q-F) by M standardized for W/X, centered factors
out$parameters$betaTable # QM by stats posterior summary
out$parameters$sigMu # M by M covariance matrix omega
out$parameters$sigSe # M by M covariance std errors
The output
list contains a large number of diagnostics
explained in help pages.
The matrices out$parameters$cutMu
hold the estimates for the partion for
ordinal ('OC'
) variables shade, drought, and flood
tolerance. Each has three fitted cutpoints, because the first is fixed,
with three estimates to partition the remaining four intervals.
Consider the interactions and indirect effects for this model. If
there are no interactions in the formula
passed to
, then there will be no interactions to estimate with
the function gjamIIE
(there will still be indirect effects,
discussed below). If there are interactions in the formula
I must specify the values for main effects that are involved in these
interactions to be used for estimating their effects on predictions. For
example, consider a model containing the interaction between predictors
q and q′,
E[ys] = ⋯ + βq, sxq + βq′, sxq′ + βqq′, sxqxq′ + ⋯
The ‘effect’ of predictor xq on ys is the derivative
$$\frac{dy_{s}}{dx_{q}} = \beta_{q,s} + \beta_{qq',s}x_{q'}$$
which depends not on xq, but rather
on xq′. So
if I want to know how interactions affect the response I have to decide
on values for all of the predictors that are involved in interactions.
These values are passed to gjamIIE
in xvector
The default has sdScaleX = F
, which means that effects can
be compared on the basis of variation in X.
In this example interactions involve moisture
, and the multi-level factor soil
, as
specified in the formula
passed to gjam
. The
first row of the design matrix is used with moisture
set to -1 or +1 standard deviation to compare dry
and wet sites in a dry climate:
xdrydry <- xwetdry <- out$inputs$xUnstand[1,]
xdrydry['moisture'] <- xdrydry['deficit'] <- -1
xwetdry['moisture'] <- 1
xwetdry['deficit'] <- -1
The first observation is from the reference soil level
, so all other soil classes are zero. Here is a
plot of main effects and interactions for deciduous and evergreen
par(mfrow=c(2,2), bty='n', mar=c(1,3,1,1), oma = c(0,0,0,0),
mar = c(3,2,2,1), tcl = -0.5, mgp = c(3,1,0), family='')
fit1 <- gjamIIE(output = out, xvector = xdrydry)
fit2 <- gjamIIE(output = out, xvector = xwetdry)
gjamIIEplot(fit1, response = 'leafbroaddeciduous',
effectMu = c('main','int'), effectSd = c('main','int'),
legLoc = 'bottomleft', ylim=c(-.31,.3))
gjamIIEplot(fit1, response = 'leafneedleevergreen',
effectMu = c('main','int'), effectSd = c('main','int'),
legLoc = 'bottomleft', ylim=c(-.3,.3))
gjamIIEplot(fit2, response = 'leafbroaddeciduous',
effectMu = c('main','int'), effectSd = c('main','int'),
legLoc = 'bottomleft', ylim=c(-.3,.3))
gjamIIEplot(fit2, response = 'leafneedleevergreen',
effectMu = c('main','int'), effectSd = c('main','int'),
legLoc = 'bottomleft', ylim=c(-.3,.3))
The main effects plotted in the graphs do not depend on the values in
. Although this observation is taken from the
soil, the plot shows the main effects that would
be obtained if it were on the different soils included in the model. The
interactions show how the effect of each predictor is modified by
interactions with other variables. Again, the interactions from each
predictor do not depend on values for the predictor itself, but rather
on the other variables with which it interacts. For example, the
interaction effect of soilUltKan
on the
trait is positive on dry sites in dry
climates (top left). Combined with a negative main effect, this means
that deciduous trees tend to be more abundance on moist sites in this
soil type. Its main effect on leafneedleevergreen
positive, but less so on moist sites in dry climates (bottom right).
The indirect effects come from the effects of responses. This example
shows indirect effects for foliar N and P that come through
leaf habit:
xvector <- out$inputs$xUnstand[1,]
par(mfrow=c(2,1), bty='n', mar=c(1,1,1,1), oma = c(0,0,0,0),
mar = c(3,2,2,1), tcl = -0.5, mgp = c(3,1,0), family='')
omitY <- colnames(u)[colnames(u) != 'leafbroaddeciduous'] # omit all but deciduous
fit <- gjamIIE(out, xvector)
gjamIIEplot(fit, response = 'leafP', effectMu = c('main','ind'),
effectSd = c('main','ind'), legLoc = 'topright', ylim=c(-.6,.6))
title('foliar P')
gjamIIEplot(fit, response = 'leafN', effectMu = c('main','ind'),
effectSd = c('main','ind'), legLoc = 'bottomright', ylim=c(-.6,.6))
title('foliar N')
There will always be indirect effects, because they come through the covariance matrix.
The PTM models species abundance data, then predicts traits. This approach has a number of advantages over TRM discussed in Clark 2016. The response is the n × S matrix Y, which could be counts, biomass, and so forth.
PTM is based on species abundance, but includes trait data for CWMM
prediction. On the latent scale the observation is represented by a
composition ('FC'
or 'CC'
) vector,
wi ∼ MVN(B′xi, Σ)
where B is the Q × S matrix of coefficients, and Σ is the S × S residual covariance. A predictive distribution on the trait scale is obtained as a variable change,
A = BT Ω = T′ΣT ui = T′wi
where T is a S × M matrix of trait values for each species, A is the Q × M matrix of coefficients, and Ω is the M × M residual covariance (diagram below).
The predictive trait model fits species data and
predicts traits using the species-by-trait matrix T,
contained in the object specbyTrait
The PTM begins by fitting pbys
, followed by predicting
. This requires a traitList
, which
defines the objects needed for prediction. The species are weights, so
they should be modeled as composition data, eight 'FC'
(rows sum to 1) or 'CC'
. Here the model is fitted with
dimension reduction:
tl <- list(plotByTrait = u, traitTypes = tTypes, specByTrait = specByTrait)
rl <- list(r = 8, N = 25)
ml <- list(ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = 'CC', holdoutN = 20,
traitList = tl, reductList = rl)
out <- gjam(~ temp + stdage + deficit*soil, xdata = xdata,
ydata = pbys, modelList = ml)
S <- nrow(specByTrait)
sc <- rep('black', S)
wr <- which(specByTrait[,'ring'] == 1) # ring porous
wb <- which(specByTrait[,'leafneedleevergreen'] == 1) # needle-leaf evergreen
wd <- which(specByTrait[,'leafneedledeciduous'] == 1) # needle-leaf deciduous
ws <- which(specByTrait[,'shade'] >= 4) # shade tolerant
sc[wr] <- '#8c510a'
sc[ws] <- '#3288bd'
sc[wb] <- '#003c30'
sc[wd] <- '#80cdc1'
M <- ncol(specByTrait)
tc <- rep('black', M)
names(tc) <- colnames(specByTrait)
tc[ 'ring' ] <- '#8c510a'
tc[ 'leafneedleevergreen' ] <- '#3288bd'
tc[ 'leafneedledeciduous' ] <- '#003c30'
tc[ 'shade' ] <- '#80cdc1'
par(family = '')
pl <- list(GRIDPLOTS=T,
specColor = sc, traitColor = tc, ncluster = 5)
fit <- gjamPlot(output = out, pl)
Output is interpreted as previously, now with coefficients B and covariance Σ. gjamPlot generates an additional plot with trait predictions. Parameter values are here:
out$parameters$betaTraitXMu # Q by M coefficient matrix alpha, standardized for X
out$parameters$betaTraitXWmu # Q by M standardized for X/W
out$parameters$betaTraitXTable # QM by stats posterior summary
out$parameters$betaTraitXWTable # QM by stats summary for X/W
out$parameters$varTraitMu # M by M trait residual covariance, standardized for X
out$parameters$varTraitTable # M^2 by stats summary, standardized for X/W
Trait predictive distributions are summarized here:
out$prediction$tMu[1:5,] # n by M predictive means
out$prediction$tSe[1:5,] # n by M predictive std errors
Additional quantities can be predicted from the output using the MCMC
output in the list out$chains
It is worth checking for combinations of responses and factor levels
that might be missing from the data. That is an issue here, because each
species has a limited geographic distribution, as do the soil types. The
object out$inputs$factorBeta$missFacSpec
lists the missing
predictor-response combinations. This list could be the basis for
consolidating factor levels.
When using gjam
in predictive trait mode remember the
for ydata
data should be
composition, either CC
or FC
must equal
must equal
must equal
must match
In a univariate model, there is one response and perhaps a number of potential predictor variables from which to choose. Variable selection focuses on X. In a multivariate model, the overall fit and predictive capacity depends not only on what’s in X, but also on what’s in Y. A different combination of variables in X will provide the best “fit” for each combination of variables in Y. Given that many species may be rare, and rare types will not be explained by the model, there will be decisions about what variables to include on both sides of the likelihood.
These considerations mean that simple rules like ‘lowest DIC’ are not
sensible. Do I want the model that best explains the subset of response
variables having the most ‘signal’? Not necessarily, because many less
abundant types may be of interest. Alternatively, the best model for
responses ranging from rare to abundant will depend on precisely which
of the rare types are included. As discussed in the section on
dimension reduction, rare types also affect the
coefficients for abundant types through covariance Σ. I often want to consider
a range of variable combinations. Here are a few objects available in
output that can provide some guidance for selecting
output or .pdf plot
file |
explanation |
output$fit$DIC |
Low is good |
output$inputs$designTable |
Redundant predictors based on high correlation and/or high VIF (> 10 to 20)? |
output$inputs$factorBeta$missFacSpec |
Missing predictor-response combinations listed here–consider consolidating factor levels or removing predictors and/or responses. |
output$parameters$sensTable ,
sensitivity.pdf |
High values account for most variation across all responses. |
betaAll.pdf |
Do CIs include zero for all responses? |
betaChains.pdf ,
output$chains$bgibbs |
Any not converged? |
yPredAll.pdf |
Generated if PLOTALLY = T in
plotPars ; remove some responses that are not well
predicted? |
yPred.pdf |
Model predicts responses in-sample? |
xPred.pdf ,
xPredFactors.pdf |
Model inversely predicts inputs? |
To cull rare types in Y see the help page for
. To evaluate the model with out-of-sample
prediction see the section missing data, out-of-sample
A joint model for data sets with many response variables can be
unstable for several reasons. Because the model can accommodate large,
multivariate data sets, there is temptation to throw everything in and
see what happens. gjam is vulnerable due to the fact that columns in
have different scales and, thus, can range over
orders of magnitude. It’s best to start small, gain a feel for the data
and how it translates to estimates of many coefficients and covariances.
More species and predictors can be added without changing the model. The
opposite approach of throwing in everything is asking for trouble and is
unlikely to generate insight.
If a model won’t execute, start by simplifying it. Use a small number of predictors and response variables. It’s easy to add complexity later. If execution fails there are several options.
Check X and
Y. Most
errors come from the data. If there are many species (large Y), some may occur once or
not at all. This is easy to check with the function
. If I suspect trouble with the design matrix
X, I can make sure it
is full rank, e.g.,
The rank must equal the number of columns in x
If I am simulating data, first try it again. The simulator aims to generate data that will actually work, more challenging than would be the case for a univariate simulation of a single data type. Simulated data are random, so try again.
If the fit is bad, it could be noisy data (there is
no ‘signal’), but there are other things to check. Again, insure that
all columns in ydata
include at least some non-zero values.
One would not expect a univariate model to fit a data set where the
response is all zeros. However, when there are many columns in
, the fact that some are never or rarely observed can
be overlooked. The functions hist
, colSums
and, for discrete data, table
, can be used. The function
gjamTrimY(ydata, m)
can be used to limit ydata
to only those columns with at least m
Large differences in scale in ydata
contribute to instability. Unlike xdata
, where the design
matrix is standardized, ydata
is not rescaled. It is used
as-is, because the user may want effort on a specific scale. However,
the algorithm is most stable when responses in ydata
do not
span widely different ranges. For continuous data ("CA"
), consider changing the units in ydata
from, say, g to kg or from g ml−1 to g l−1.
For discrete counts ("DA"
) consider changing the units
for effort, e.g., m2 versus
ha or hours versus days. Recall, the dimension for the latent W is Y/E. If I count hundreds or
thousands of animals per hour, I could consider specifying effort in
minutes, thus reducing the scale for W by a factor of 1/60. Rescaling is not relevant for
, where modeling is done on the [0, 1] scale.
Unlike experiments, where attention is paid to balanced design, observational data often involve factors, for which only some species occur in all factor combinations. This inadequate distribution of data is compounded when those factors are included in interaction terms. Consider ways to eliminate factor levels/combinations that cannot be estimated from the data.
If a simulation fails due to a cholesky error, then there is a problem inverting Σ. Any of these error messages might arise, even when using dimension reduction:
error: chol(): decomposition failed
error: inv_sympd(): matrix is singular or not positive definite
Error in invWbyRcpp(sigmaerror, otherpar$Z[otherpar$K, ]) : inv_sympd(): matrix is singular or not positive definite
Consider either reducing the number of columns in ydata
using gjamTrimY
If execution is stopped with the message
overfitted covariance
, then try reducing N
in reductList
An observation consists of environmental variables and species
attributes, {xi, yi},
i = 1, ..., n. The
vector xi
contains predictors xiq : q = 1, ..., Q.
The vector yi
contains attributes (responses), such as species abundance,
presence-absence, and so forth, yis : s = 1, ..., S.
The effort Eis
invested to obtain the observation of response s at location i can affect the observation. The
combinations of continuous and discrete measurements in observed yi
motivate the three elements of gjam
A length-S vector wi ∈ ℜS represents response yi in continuous space. This continuous space allows for the dependence structure with a covariance matrix. An element wis can be known (e.g., continuous response yis) or unknown (e.g., discrete responses).
A length-S vector of integers zi represents yi in discrete space. Each observed yis is assigned to an interval zis ∈ {0, ..., Kis}. The number of intervals Kis can differ between observations and between species, because each species can be observed in different ways.
The partition of continuous space at points pis, z ∈ 𝒫 defines discrete intervals zis. Two values (pis, k, pis, k + 1] bound the kth interval of s in observation i. Intervals are contiguous and provide support over the real line (−∞, ∞). For discrete observations, k is a censored interval, and wis is a latent variable. The set of censored intervals is 𝒞. The partition set 𝒫 can include both known (discrete counts, including composition data) and unknown (ordinal, categorical) points.
An observation y maps to w,
$$y_{is} = \left \{ \begin{matrix} \ w_{is} & continuous\\ \ z_{is}, & w_{is} \in (p_{z_{is}}, p_{z_{is} + 1}] & discrete \end{matrix} \right.$$
Effort Eis affects the partition for discrete data. For the simple case where there is no error in the assignment of discrete intervals, zi is known, and the model for wi is
$$\mathbf{w}_i|\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{y}_i, \mathbf{E}_i \sim MVN(\boldsymbol{\mu}_i,\boldsymbol{\Sigma}) \times \prod_{s=1}^S\mathcal{I}_{is}$$ μi = B′xi ℐis = ∏k ∈ 𝒞Iis, kI(yis = k)(1 − Iis, k)I(yis ≠ k)
where Iis = I(pzis < wis < pzis + 1], 𝒞 is the set of discrete intervals, B is a Q × S matrix of coefficients, and Σ is a S × S covariance matrix. There is a correlation matrix associated with Σ,
$$\mathbf{R}_{s,s'} = \frac{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{s,s'}}{\sqrt{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{s,s} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{s',s'}}}$$
For presence-absence (binary) data, pis = (−∞, 0, ∞). This is equivalent to Chib and Greenberg’s (2008) model, which could be written ℐis = I(wis > 0)yisI(wis ≤ 0)1 − yis.
For a continous variable with point mass at zero, continuous abundance, this is a multivariate Tobit model, with ℐis = I(wis = yis)I(yis > 0)I(wis ≤ 0)I(yis = 0). This is the same partition used for the probit model, the difference being that the positive values in the Tobit are uncensored.
Categorical responses fit within the same framework. Each categorical response occupies as many columns in Y as there are independent levels in response s, levels being k = 1, ..., Ks − 1. For example, if randomly sampled plots are scored by one of five cover types, then there are four columns in Y for the response s. The four columns can have at most one 1. If all four columns are 0, then the reference level is observed. The observed level has the largest value of wis, k (Table 1). This is similar to Zhang et al.’s (2008) model for categorical data.
For ordinal counts gjam is Lawrence et al.’s (2008) model having the partition pis = (−∞, 0, pis, 2, pis, 3, ..., pis, K, ∞), where all but the first two and the last elements must be inferred. The partition must be inferred, because the ordinal scale is only relative.
Like categorical data, composition data have one reference class. For this and other discrete count data, the partition for observation i can be defined to account for sample effort (next section).
Unlike a univariate model that has one Y per observation or multivariate
models where all Y’s have the
same dimension, gjam has Y’s
on multiple dimensions. So there are two sets of dimensions to consider,
the dimensions for the X’s and
those for the Y’s. To avoid
more notation I just refer to the dimension of a coefficient in the
unstandardized coefficient matrix Bu as
W/X (Table 2). Except
for responses that have no dimension (presence-absence, ordinal,
categorical) W has the same
dimension as Y (or Y/E, if effort is
specified). gjam
returns unstandardized coefficients in
tables parameters$betaMuUn, parameters$betaSeUn
, and in
MCMC chains$bgibbsUn
, because they are not prone to be
misinterpreted by a user who has supplied unstandardized predictors in
. I refer to the coefficient matrix as Bu and
corresponding unstandardized design matrix as Xu. Each
row of $chains$bgibbsUn
is one draw from the Q × S matrix Bu.
Models are commonly fitted to covariates X that are ‘standardized’ for mean
and variance. Standardization can stabilize posterior simulation. It is
desirable when coefficients are needed in standard deviations. Inside
design matrix X, and thus B, are standardized, thus
having dimension W, not W/X. Of course, for
variables in xdata
supplied in standarized form, B = Bu.
See Algorithm summary. Variables returned by
, including MCMC chains in $chains$bgibbs
and posterior means and standard errors $parameters$betaMu
and $parameters$betaSe
are standardized.
The third set of scales comes from the correlation scale for the
W’s. The correlation scale can
be useful when considering responses that have different dimensions. In
addition to Bu I
provide parameters on the correlation scale. This correlation scale is
Br = BD−1/2,
where D = diag(Σ).
If X is standardized,
is dimensionless. The MCMC chains in $chains$bFacGibbs
the estimates in $parameterTable$fBetaMu
are standardized for X (standard deviation scale) and for
W (correlation scale). They
are dimensionless.
For sensitivity over all species and for comparisons between predictors I provide standardized sensitivity in a length-Q vector f. The sensitivity matrix to X across the full model is given by
F = BΣ−1B′
Note that F takes
Br, not
B, and not Bu. The
sensitivity matrix F
is $parameters$fmatrix
. The sensitivity vector f = diag(F)
is vector $parameters$fMu
. Details are given in Clark et
al. (2017).
The coefficient matrix $\boldsymbol{\tilde{\mathbf{B}}}$ is useful
when there are factors in the model. Factor treatment
in gjam
follows the convention where a reference level is
taken as the overall intercept, and remaining coefficients are added to
the intercept. The reference level can be controlled with the R function
. This approach makes sense in the ANOVA context,
where an experiment has a control level to which other treatment levels
are to be compared. A ‘significant’ level is different from the
reference (e.g., control), but we are not told about its relationship to
other levels. The coefficients in $parameters$betaMu
are reported this way. Should it be
needed, the contrasts matrix for this design is returned as a list for
all factors in the model as $inputs$factorBeta$contrast
as a single contrasts matrix for the entire model as
This standard structure is not the best way to compare factors in many ecological data sets, where a factor might represent soil type, cover type, fishing gear, and so on. In all of these cases there is no ‘control’ treatment. Here it is more useful to know how all levels relate to the mean taken across factor levels.
To provide more informative comparisons across factor levels and
species I introduce a Q1 × S
recontrast matrix that translates B, with intercept, to all
factor levels, without intercept. Consider a three-level factor with
levels a, b, c
, the first being the reference class. There
is a matrix G
## intercept b c
## a 1 -1 -1
## b 1 1 0
## c 1 0 1
and a matrix H,
## a b c
## intercept 1 0 0
## b -1 1 0
## c -1 0 1
With L′ = G−1, the recontrasted coefficients are
B̃ = LB
The rows of B̃ correspond to all factor levels. The intercept does not appear, because it has been distributed across factor levels. The corresponding design matrix is
X̃ = XH
If there are multiple factors then Q1 > Q,
because the intercept expands to the reference classes for each factor.
L is provided as
With factors, the sensitivity matrix reported in
F = B̃Σ−1B̃′
The response matrix in $parameters$ematrix
E = B̃ṼB̃′
where Ṽ = cov(XH).
Model fitting is done by Gibbs sampling. The design matrix X is centered and standardized. Parameters B and Σ are sampled directly,
Σ|W, B
B|Σ, W
For unknown partition (ordinal variables) the partition is sampled, 𝒫|Z, W
For ordinal, presence-absence, and categorical data, latent
variables are drawn on the correlation scale, W|R, α, P,
where R = D−1/2ΣD−1/2,
α = D−1/2B,
P = D−1/2𝒫,
and D = diag(Σ).
For other variables that are discrete or censored, latent variables are
drawn on the covariance scale, W|Σ, B, 𝒫.
Parameters in $chains$bgibbsUn
are returned on the
original scale Xu. Let
be the uncentered/unstandardized version of X. Parameters are returned
as Bu = (X′uXu)−1X′uXB.
Likewise, $x
is returned on the original scale, i.e., it is
Dimension reduction represents the covariance matrix as Σ = AA′ + σ2I. The S × r matrix A generates a random effect with prior distribution ai ∼ A × MVN(0r, Ir). The (posterior) estimate of ai depends on observed yi. For in-sample prediction, we have wi ∼ MVN(μi + ai, σ2I). For out-of-sample prediction the random effect is marginalized wi ∼ MVN(μi, Σ). For variables on the correlation scale, both the mean and the covariance are on the correlation scale.
Below are mean and variance for prediction sampling, where μi = B′xi. Values are (mean, covariance/correlation). Most importantly, for prediction, there is no partition, because yi is unknown and, thus, wi is unconstrained by observation:
. | covariance scale | correlation scale |
Not dimension reduction: | ||
in- | μi, Σ | D−1/2μi, R |
out- | μi, Σ | D−1/2μi, R |
Dimension reduction: | . | |
in- | μi + ai | D−1/2(μi + ai), Is |
out- | μi, Σ | D−1/2μi, R |
Inverse prediction of input variables provides sensitivity analysis (Clark et al. 2011, 2014). Columns in X that are linear (not involved in interactions, polynomial terms, or factors) are sampled directly from the inverted model. Others are sampled by Metropolis. Sampling is described in the Supplement file to Clark et al. (2017).
For valuable feedback on the model and computation I thank Bene Bachelot, Alan Gelfand, Diana Nemergut, Erin Schliep, Bijan Seyednasrollah, Daniel Taylor-Rodriquez, Brad Tomasek, Phillip Turner, and Stacy Zhang. Daniel Taylor-Rodriguez implemented the dimension reduction. I thank the members of NSF’s SAMSI program on Ecological Statistics and my class Bayesian Analysis of Environmental Data at Duke University. Funding came from NSF’s Macrosystems Biology and EAGER programs.
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